Valley House Trading, Nicholas Wattiez’ newest trading name for fraudulent dealings.

The repeatedly convicted fraudster of the hospitality industry Nicholas Wattiez,  is still continuing to commit fraud on a large scale, selling furniture he hasn’t got to small businesses that are suffering substantial losses as a consequence.

The furniture fraudster has once again had to change his company name as part of continued fraud, what was once Albermarle wholesale, then London Refurbishing, has changed again and is now called Valley House Trading Ltd.

Read our other blog posts and links to external articles to find out more about this individuals criminal activity.

London Refurbishing Warning, Formerly Albermarle Wholesale

This blog is aimed at the leisure & hospitality industries in the United Kingdom.

The purpose of this blog is to warn you about a “company” advertising and trading under the name of London Refurbishing.

London Refurbishing is being run by Nicholas Wattiez, a con-man who is a repeat offender in fraud and has been convicted multiple times.  In particular he targets the leisure and hospitality sector and “sells” used and refurbished furniture and catering equipment.

His previous company was called Albermarle Wholesale, but that was shut down several years ago, it seems now he is at again under a new Name.

A quick Google search for the name Nicholas Wattiez should be evidence enough to back up this warning, try it and you were find articles about him like the following;

Peterborough Telegraph:

Wisbeech Standard

Company Check

Company Check

The Caterer Magazine

Blog on Albermarle Wholesale

The new “company” has been advertising in trade magazines, if you look a little closer in to the adverts and the website you will find that the phone number and the postal address go towards a forwarding company called British Monomarks   Whilst it is not illegal to use forwarding services such as this, it is further proof that Mr Wattiez is trying hard not to be found.  For someone claiming to have huge stocks of furniture for sale don’t you find it a bit odd that he has no address where you can go see this stock for yourself before you part with thousands of pounds?

You can also tie Mr Wattiez to the company London Refurbishing by doing a simple whois domain search.  Visit a site like and search for the domain:, and you will see that the person who registered the address is indeed Nicholas Wattiez

Heres the whois information for

A reminder of the previous company they were trading as;
